"Where There's Breathe There's Hope!"
In addition to the option for English language subtitles for hard of hearing/deaf audiences, we are pleased that the DVD now has a Spanish language subtitle option for our Spanish-speaking fans.
Proceeds from sales of the DVD and screening license are used solely to support expanding awareness of trauma and trauma-informed care worldwide. Tonier and the Healing Neen Team are grateful to you for your contribution to this effort!
Private: 1 DVD – includes personal use and use by non-profit organizations with less than 15 employees for in-house viewings by staff and clients.
Public: 1 DVD and Public Screening License*
*For organizations with 15 or more employees, educational institutions, libraries and for Public Performance screenings. Public Performance means a non-theatrical performance of the Film, without charge, outside the home to a gathering of people other than family members and/or acquaintances. “Charge” means admission fee to generate profit at a commercial venue. This does not include charging a fee to attend an event that includes performance of the Film to cover the costs associated with hosting the event.
We typically mail DVDs within 3 business days of the order date, via USPS, first class. You will receive an email with estimated delivery date and the tracking number once your order is mailed.
For more information about purchasing or licensing, or to seek additional permissions for use of the documentary, contact .