Charles Theatre


Tonier in front of the Marquee!

Interested person

Passerby reading Healing Neen Movie Poster

Tonier & James

Tonier & James with her movie poster.

Tonier & Laura

Star Tonier Cain and Director/Producer Laura Cain

Thom & Carolyn

Producer/Editor Thom Stromer & Carolyn Stromer


Ben Baker-Lee, Director of Photography/Animation, was on official duty as photographer but we sneaked this pic of him

Laura & Virginia

Laura & Virginia Knowlton, Director of Maryland Disability Law Center, sponsor of the film and host of the screening.

Tonier & Brenda

Tonier and Brenda Shell, former Warden at the Maryland Correctional Institution for Women, who graciously opened the doors of the prison for us and provided valuable insights onscreen..

Tonier & Lt. Moore

Tonier and Lt. Moore of Maryland Correctional Institution for Women.  Lt. Moore has known Tonier since her last incarceration in 2004 and gave much of her valuable time during filming at the prison.

Laura and Pat

Laura and Pat Shea, the film's expert on child abuse prevention and "baby wrangler".

Thom, Carolyn & Abeer

Thom, Carolyn & Abeer Alzinaty, animation actor.

Pat, Laura & Wilma

Pat Shea, Laura Cain and Laura's mom, Wilma who traveled from Melbourne Beach, Fl for the event.

Joan & Susan

Joan, a co-founder of the program that helped Tonier heal, Tamar's Children, with Susan Mockus, the former Director of Residential Services of the now-closed Tamar's Children.

Sopecial Guests

Pre-screening party for invited guests who contributed to making the film, and friends of Maryland Disability Law Center.


Tonier takes her seat!


Caleb Stine, who scored the film, getting ready to play a short set before the screening.

David & Lauren

David Crandall, Sound Mix and Design, with Lauren Young, Litigation Director at MDLC.

Thom & Laura

Thom and Laura take a moment to soak in the moment before the first big screening of Healing Neen.


Caleb Stine moves the audience with his music.

Thom & Tonier

Thom and Tonier share a laugh with the audience.

Tonier, Thom & Laura

Tonier speaks with the audience as Thom & Laura watch from the stage.


Tonier interacts with the audience.

Laura & Tonier

Laura and Tonier bask in the warm glow of a successful event!